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Status: Complete

This project introduces LUX, an innovative Alternate Reality Game designed to explore the constructs of coping and resilience within teams, specifically among undergraduate and graduate students.

project Image

Role and Contributions

In the project, I held a multi-faceted role that combined narrative design and user experience research. Specifically, I was involved in crafting puzzles and weaving together narratives and game mechanics within augmented reality games. My responsibilities extended into the realm of UX research, where I was engaged in collecting diverse data points. This included monitoring player interactions on Discord, conducting interviews, gathering survey responses, managing consent forms, and overseeing participant recruitment. Additionally, I conducted thematic analyses on the data collected, providing insights into player experiences and interaction patterns.


The project was a three year funded project and multiple sub studies were planned under it. I worked with project from year and half during which we developed and tested three versions. The timeline broke down as follows:


The primary research question this project aims to answer is: How can video games, particularly ARGs, be utilized to study, influence, and enhance emotion regulation and coping strategies among players? This question emerges from the recognition that emotion regulation and coping strategies are critical to resilience and well-being in daily life. The project seeks to address the challenge of studying these constructs in ecologically valid environments by leveraging video games as a dynamic, customizable, and engaging platform.
The goals of the research project were as follows:


In this study, we aimed to explore the dynamics of stress and coping mechanisms through an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) named "The LUX".This ARG was meticulously designed to replicate real-life stressors within a game environment, such as time constraints, challenging social interactions, and problem-solving under pressure. Our objective was to observe and analyze how individuals navigate these stressors, utilizing a blend of user experience research methodologies. Below, we detail each methodology employed in our research.


For this study all participants were recruited by posting invitations links in community channels of discord, slacks, university newsletter and coridors. All participants were compensated.

For the playtesing sessions our recuirtment criteria was :

Analysis and Synthesis

Data Analysis: Employing Thematic Analysis and Surveys Our analytical approach combined thematic analysis with surveys and other methodologies to systematically examine the collected data. Through thematic analysis, we identified recurring patterns and themes in how participants coped with stressors. Surveys complemented this by providing quantitative data on participants' experiences and strategies. This multi-faceted analysis enabled us to visually map the game's stress points and the collaborative dynamics among players, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the coping mechanisms employed.


This project started more of as personal journey to underscore the ongoing discourse about the effectiveness of e